2025 Oakridge Food Pantry Schedule
We are currently using a drive-thru method. Please stay in your vehicle and we will bring a box of food out for you.
In the event of inclement weather, if St. Joseph Public Schools are closed, so are we. All closings will be announced on:
Channel 16 (WNDU), and their website,
WNDU.com, and Channel 22 (WSBT), and their website, WSBT.com,
Oakridge Community Church Facebook page.
Our food pantry days and times are as follows:
March: 3/11 Tuesday (1-3PM); 3/13 Thursday (6-7PM)
April: 4/8 Tuesday (1-3PM); 4/10 Thursday (6-7PM)
May: 5/13 Tuesday (1-3PM); 5/15 Thursday (6-7PM)
June: 6/10 Tuesday (1-3PM); 6/12 Thursday (6-7PM)
July: 7/8 Tuesday (1-3PM); 7/10 Thursday (6-7PM)
August: 8/12 Tuesday (1-3PM); 8/14 Thursday (6-7PM)
September: 9/9 Tuesday (1-3PM); 9/11 Thursday (6-7PM)
October: 10/14 Tuesday (1-3PM); 10/16 Thursday (6-7PM)
November: 11/11 Tuesday (1-3PM); 11/13 Thursday (6-7PM)
December: 12/9 Tuesday (1-3PM); 12/11 Thursday (6-7PM)
Community Resources and Information:
Due to Michigan Laws and Tax Compliance, Oakridge Community Church is unable to offer any financial or other assistance at this time with the exception of our community food pantry. The Oakridge Community Church food pantry is available every 2nd week of the month, on Tuesday from 1:00pm to 3:00pm, and Thursday from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. Thank you! We will continue to research community assistance options and we will update our website with any changes.
If you need resources on where to go for financial assistance, please download our COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE GUIDE.
You can also visit Berrien Community Foundation’s resource search engine: https://www.berriencommunity.org/help4her
"jesus said to them, 'I am the bread of life, whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.'" John 6:3.
The Oakridge Food Pantry opened in late 2010 to provide spiritual and physical food for needy families in the community. We are blessed by donations from our members, local businesses, foundation grants, and food drive collections by local Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts.
If you would like to help in the pantry or make a donation please call the church office, 269-429-7141.