A Biblical Critique of the Group “Evangelicals For Harris” – Part 2
Current EventsOakridge Secretaryabortion, evangelize, evangelicals, evangelical christians, evangelical, faith, God, gender identity, government, gospel, jesus, law, liberal, love, last days, legalism, Marriage, nation, president, presidential, same sex, scotus, social, sin, theology, truth
A Biblical Critique Of The Group “Evangelicals For Harris” – Part 1
Current EventsOakridge Secretaryabolitionists, abortion, abolitionist, nation, bible, beliefs, liberal, current, current events, country, Christ, church, culture, evangelicals, evangelical, evangelical christians, faith, God, government, Holy spirit, jesus, pro-choice, president, presidential, theology, truth, traditional, evangelize, values, law, word, wisdom
The Christian ‘Cult’ of Legalism - Part 3
Christian LivingOakridge Secretarylegalism, acceptance, beliefs, bible, church, Cult, evangelize, evangelicals, faith, God, hope, jesus, Jesus only, judge, opressor, theology, traditional, values, wisdom
What Happens To Those Who Die Who Have Never Heard The Gospel?
Christian LivingOakridge Secretarychristianity, death, die, gospel, salvatioon, evangelize, Christ, God, Bible, church