A Biblical Critique of the Group “Evangelicals For Harris” – Part 2
Current EventsOakridge Secretaryabortion, evangelize, evangelicals, evangelical christians, evangelical, faith, God, gender identity, government, gospel, jesus, law, liberal, love, last days, legalism, Marriage, nation, president, presidential, same sex, scotus, social, sin, theology, truth
The Sparkle Creed - Unabashed Heresy (Read On)
Current EventsOakridge Secretaryacceptance, nation, bible, beliefs, liberal, church, current, creed, current events, culture, creeds, Christ, God, gender identity, gospel, heretic, christianity, jesus, love, social, theology, truth, teaching, values, evangelical christians, evangelicals, sparkle creed
A look at “Christianity And Critical Race Theory, Part 1”
Oakridge Secretarycritical race theory, Christianity, racism, racist, CRT, opressor, opressed, social, color, skin color